Ache is an intersectional feminist press publishing writing and art on illness, health, bodies, and pain.

Since 2017 we have published a literary magazine, books, and art prints by women, transgender and nonbinary people that explore the complexities of living with illness and pain.



Kirstie Millar is a writer and the founding-editor of Ache. She completed her MA in Creative Writing at UEA and was a recipient of the Ink, Sweat and Tears Scholarship. In 2023 her poetry book The Strange Egg was published by The Emma Press.

Rosalind Reynolds-Grey is a Bristol-based writer and editor of Ache. She holds an MA in Health Humanities which she completed at UCL and has a background as both a mental health practitioner and patient. Her writing has appeared in The Real Story, Asylum Magazine and Lumpen.

With additional editorial support from

Katrina Millar
Jane Hartshorn

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